My Journey With Therapy

My Journey With Therapy

Well, where do I start? For many years I believed therapy was useless, it didn’t work, I didn’t open up to anyone. Trust was and still is a big deal for me. I need to be able to trust the person. Besides for me 6 sessions did not seem enough.

I had counselling through secondary school, then when I went into adulthood I tried therapy through the NHS. Which like I say, just did not work.

Which brings me to September 2019. I was at the beginning of my degree, my mental health was going down hill very fast! I then met an amazing tutor, who spotted something wasn’t quite right and began supporting me. She began by gaining my trust very slowly. Then in feb 2020 I agreed to therapy again through the college.

This brings me to march 2020, due to lockdown the college was closed and remote learning began. The college still organised for me to have therapy, which was over the phone. I always believed face to face was best for me. But, this time it was different. I’m not quite sure whether it was therapist A, or the fact it was over the phone. But, I grew to trust this person far quicker than I had done anyone else.

However, the 6 sessions were coming up and I began to dread not having the sessions. Partly because even though small, changes were happening. I was feeling like I could get through the day. When the days seemed really difficult, I just had to remind myself that I just need to get to Friday.

I was in the process of waiting for a psychologist so therapist A said she was willing to continue the sessions until I had some other form of support from somewhere else.

Once you’ve found a therapist that is able to understand you, respect you and actually make you feel heard and valid then the change is huge. They were times I really did not believe I would make it. But thanks to therapist A, not only did I make it through that dark part of my life, but I managed to pass my degree!

I owe a lot to therapist A, she allowed me to be able to grow and gather strength I did not believe I had.

So if this is you, please don’t give up! There will be a therapist that connects with you on your level.

Here is where you can find a therapist in your local area

Find Counsellors and Therapists in England - Psychology Today

How to find a therapist: BACP Therapist Directory

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